"Empowering Minds, Inspiring Futures: Enroll Now for a Journey of Excellence!"
Advantages of having
E-Learning with LMS Website
- Flexible and global learning.
- Cost-effective and engaging.
- Easy updates and tracking.
- Accessible materials.
- Lifelong learning opportunities.
Possible risks of not having a
E-Learning with LMS Website
- Limited accessibility and reach.
- Higher costs for traditional training methods
- Less efficient tracking of learner progress.
- Lack of availability of learning materials.
- Missed opportunities for continuous learning.
Advantages of having
E-Learning with LMS Website
Possible risks of not having a
E-Learning with LMS Website
- Flexible and global learning.
- Cost-effective and engaging.
- Easy updates and tracking.
- Accessible materials.
- Lifelong learning opportunities.
- Limited accessibility and reach.
- Higher costs for traditional training methods
- Less efficient tracking of learner progress.
- Lack of availability of learning materials.
- Missed opportunities for continuous learning.


◉ OPTION 1 (SALE PRICE): Monthly – PHP 1,900/month,
Down payment: 2 months x 1,900 = PHP 3,800 – plus 1-month advanced payment after endorsement
◉ OPTION 2 (ORIGINAL PRICE): Monthly – PHP 2,470/month,
Down payment: 2 months x 2,470 = PHP 4,940 – plus 1-month advanced payment after endorsement

◉ OPTION 1 (SALE PRICE): Annual – PHP 20,400 (1,700 per month x 12 months)
Down payment: PHP 10,200 and PHP 10,200 after endorsement
◉ OPTION 2 (ORIGINAL PRICE): Annual – PHP 26,520 (2,210 per month x 12 months)
Down payment: PHP 13,260 and PHP 13,260 after endorsement